It is no secret that this year has been hectic with the pandemic, schools shutting down, and resources becoming limited. Parenting is never easy. Being a mother to eight children, as Rachel is, while sustaining a job is something that a book can’t teach you.
Meet Rachel:
Rachel selflessly works two purpose-driven jobs: working for a charity that helps families overcome circumstances; and, most importantly, being a mother. Rachel is a hardworking, kindhearted single mother to eight children who has faced many difficult challenges and is struggling with the hurdle to maintain a now full-time job with no mode of transportation, keep up with her bills, and to care for her children. All she wants is to be the best mother for her children and Mom Bomb was thrilled to help.
Rachel was surprised and humbled to have been nominated for a Mom Bomb Giving grant and understands the impact on women saying, “I really appreciate your willingness to help not just me but other moms as well.” Rachel’s main priority is keeping her family safe, healthy, and loved and she added that “This act of kindness, definitely around the holidays, will help me a great deal to manage other things.”
Mom Bomb is dedicated to helping and support mothers in crisis with the aid of one of the following services: house cleaning, childcare, meal delivery, or laundry services.
Mothers like Rachel deserves assistance and Mom Bomb wants to help as many more women as we can through the profits from sales of our beautiful Mom Bomb bath bombs and from generous donations. Rachel is on the path to complete her GED while working her two busy jobs and her hard work and love for her children are admirable. “Having eight beautiful children and being a single mom is hard work, and [Mom Bomb’s] efforts to help just made this holiday season a happy one. Thank you, a million times over.”
Mom Bomb giving wishes Rachel and her family the best and that her holiday season is filled with the blessings that she gives to others.